Dear Friends,                                                                                November 8, 2005

The summer heat is gone now and the autumn breeze feels great. Of course, it has already begun to drizzle a little bit here in Seattle. This past summer was one of the busiest summers for my ministry. I would like to share some of the highlights with you so that we may thank the Lord together for the fruits He has given to us as we proclaimed the gospel of our Lord to a lost world.

After a year of work, the water project in the gypsy village of Svalyava, Ukraine is finished and the 2000+ gypsies finally have water in their village. Although we started this project with the idea of digging a well, we ended up extending the existing Ukrainian water pipes to the gypsy village. This was a more cost-effective way of providing water to the village. Water has certainly enhanced the quality of their lives, not to mention the level of hygiene. Three water stations have been constructed and each water station has three spigots. At each station we placed a plaque which has John 4:13-14 inscribed in Russian: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

After completing the water project, I went to Kiev to help train a group of Ukrainian pastors. On my first trip to Ukraine in 2002, the Lord clearly spoke to my heart that training church leaders was one of the most effective ways of evangelizing this part of the world. This summer He finally brought about an unusual introduction to this ministry. On my trip to Ukraine as I was waiting in Amsterdam for my connecting flight to Kiev, I saw a man who looked to be North Korean. Since I grew up during the Cold War days, I subconsciously began to guard myself against this possible communist guy, but I had to drop my guard when he sat right next to me on the airplane. He introduced himself as a Korean evangelist living in Los Angeles, CA. I soon discovered that he was the Korean translator of Dr. Robert Clinton’s famous book, The Making of A Leader, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading some 8 years ago. He was flying to Kiev to hold a Pastor’s Conference!!! Of course, it was through Dr. Lee (this North Korean-looking gentleman) that God opened the door for me for leadership training for pastors in Ukraine.

Spending a week with some 50 Ukrainian pastors taught me so much about their life and ministry. Watching them literally “devour” the food and the snacks served during the conference, I had to silently weep over their faithfulness to the call of God in spite of their low standard of living as preachers. Evening sessions lasted pretty late every night, but the participants stayed focused on learning. I was so deeply touched when I saw the preachers staying at the chapel after the evening sessions praying on their knees to the Almighty God for His presence in their ministries.

The conference host asked me to return to Kiev in September 2006 to teach the Old Testament for a week-long pastor’s conference. Joel Ragains, chairman of the Church Planting department of Kiev Theological Seminary, has also invited me to come teach his students in 2006. Kiev Theological seminary is the only fully-accredited theological institution in Ukraine. The students come from all the CIS countries with a plan to plant churches in their respective countries as they are studying at the seminary. Please pray that the Lord will send me back to Kiev in 2006 to help train these leaders.

In September, Kay and I went with Global Missions Fellowship to Moldova for a week-long evangelistic campaign, hosted by Holy Trinity Church of Chisinau. The region of Moldovia had historically been part of Romania until Stalin annexed it to the former Soviet Union through a political scheme in 1940. After the disintegration of USSR, this region became the independent Republic of Moldova. Apart from proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Moldovan campaign was special to me personally because it was my first opportunity to be involved in missions with my wife Kay. Full of compassion, Kay did a marvelous job talking to the broken-hearted people about the compassionate God who sent his Son Jesus so that He could redeem us from our sin and despair. Please pray for the 323 people that were born into God’s kingdom through this campaign. Pray that they will grow as Christians and as responsible church members. Pray also for the six new churches that were planted as a result of this campaign and that the churches of Moldova will grow to be strong witnesses of Jesus in that part of the world.

Throughout 2005, I have also taught the present and future leaders of our churches at the seminaries and local churches, spoken in revivals and held evangelistic rallies in the United States. Without your prayers and support, it would have been impossible for me to use the spiritual gifts the Lord has given me to help expand the kingdom of God on this earth. Please do not forget to uphold me in your prayers; for I still have a couple of major campaigns to conduct until the end of this year. You can find more about my itinerary and specific prayer requests at

We would also appreciate your prayers for a couple of personal matters. I praise God that He has maintained my health this year. A recent colonoscopy showed that my ulcerative colitis was in remission. Our 5-year-old daughter Grace (whom Kay adopted from China in 2001) is severely delayed in her communication. We are awaiting an evaluation from the University of Washington and the school system. Please pray for guidance and wisdom for us and those evaluating her and above all, that God would heal her and allow her to communicate effectively. Also, I will soon be reconciled with my own daughter Amy (8 years old) after many years of separation. Please pray that we will be able to forge a close relationship through our visits and that I can be a blessing to her as her father.

We praise God upon every remembrance of you.

In His Love,

David and Kay Chung